
Gifts for Ministry

Last Sunday, I taught about Spiritual Gifts and their use in the church. As Christians in Silicon Valley, which is so driven by talent/aggressiveness/tenacity, it's an encouragement to know that God gives his people (no matter who they are) the equipping they need to serve him.
We long to be a church where every member is fully using his or her gifts to be agents of the gospel in Silicon Valley. I gave eight facts about spiritual gifts that are important to consider our of 1Corinthians 12. In case you couldn't write fast enough, here are the summary eight facts.

  1. Spiritual Gifts belong to JESUS and his church, not to individuals. It’s the entire “body” (using Paul’s language) working together that operates as Christ’s physical expression. Jesus himself had ALL of the gifts. The church (broadly and historically) has that fullness of gifting by analogy… but each individual part is just a piece.
  2. Gifts are different than natural talents. Talents come from God's common grace -- Distributed broadly, even outside the Christian community for transforming culture (vs.) the Holy Spirit's special gifting of grace -- transforming the world through the church.
  3. Gifts are different than spiritual fruit. Fruit is character (all of them growing in all Christians) (vs.) different gifts for each person. A person with a gift of wisdom may be still immature in their compassion and patience.
  4. Gifts are different than our walk with God. A variety given to all Christians, sometimes in spite of our weaknesses. Not something that we “have” innately, but an application of salvation, it’s the super-abundance of God’s grace. Gifts can operate a bit even without growth in maturity. That could be dangerous, often is a cover-up for a declining Christian life.
  5. Gifts don’t negate Christian duties. For example, the gift of celibacy: life-long gift of a few (Paul for example). A duty of every unmarried Christian, however, as long as they are in that state.
  6. Gifts are found in clusters. Combinations of gifts affect the person’s use of them. Pastor-teacher, Preacher-teacher, Preacher-Leader, Wisdom-teacher, Pastor-encourager. ALL might end up as an ordained minister, but they would have very different kinds of ministries and churches.
  7. Gifts can work through weakness. Because they are the SPIRIT’s gift, they can go around someone’s weaknesses. Example: Charles Spurgeon, arguably the greatest 19th century preacher was converted by an untrained deacon.
  8. KEY: Gifts must have a Gospel oriented impact. They bear growth and change in other people in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit works his relational truth through people’s gifts.
    VERSE 3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus is accursed"; and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. The key evaluative question, according to this passage, is: “is Jesus exalted?” by this service?
    Remember, the Holy Spirit is truth oriented. His gifts bring the greater truth about Jesus and the redeeming of the world into the existing world.

DISCUSS: Do you have a story of God working through you despite your natural weakness? Do you have questions about what your spiritual gifts might be? Respond! Also, this coming Sunday, we'll look at how to discover your spiritual gifts for use in ministry.

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