
Freaky Gifts

You can't help noticing in 1Corinthians 12 that Paul lists several spiritual gifts that are freaky (= 'strange and maybe a little frightening'). These are the controversial spiritual gifts, especially in a rational place like Silicon Valley.

Tongues, prophecy, healings, oh my! What's a Presbyterian to do?

I didn't have enough time to discuss them with any significant depth in my sermon yesterday. Just a passing reference, which isn't enough to explore the genuine disagreements that Christians have over these gifts and their potential use today.

If you want more information, I recommend a Vern Poythress (Westminster Seminary) article. It is the best, most fair, most deeply analytical and yet most compact article on the subject. However, it's not for the theologically faint of heart; you may find some it tough going. Modern Spiritual Gifts as Analogous to Apostolic Gifts. How's that for a title?

Discuss: Controversy is a great way to get lively blog discussions going. However, if you have major disagreements or questions after reading Poythress' article, feel free to email me directly. In the meantime, this is an intriguing topic for live conversation.


John said...

Thank you Andrew for not dodging a controversial issue. I am persuaded that a reverent "watch and see" attitude is still best. I have seen these "freaky gifts" used well and more often, very badly. I am not inclined to pursue them but I cannot deny them.

The deeper question we must face is" "Why must we further divide Christ's church over such matters?" Our catholicity is too important to allow a "gifts war" in such times.

Thanks for your helpful and insightful blogs.

PB&K said...

I read Poythress' little book about how to read the Bible. He had a great discussion on the debate about what it means to take the Bible literally. I look forward to reading his article on spiritual gifts.
