
Evangelism Dos and Don'ts

Sharing the message of the Gospel is a thrilling adventure. Having people in Silicon Valley think you're off your rocker is terrifying.

Share your Silicon Valley evangelism Dos and Don'ts.
Here's a few to get started...

DON'T whip out a little booklet called "Five Steps to Being Saved"
DO create genuine, caring friendships

DON'T ask your boss at lunch, "Are you washed by the blood of Jesus?"
DO explain how a Christian approach to a problem is sensible and compassionate

DON'T freak out if someone demands that you explain why God allows evil
DO ask good questions and find out what the person's question really is

DON'T think a big fish swallowing a "Darwin" fish on your bumper counts as witnessing
DO engage in thoughtful, challenging discussions in a caring manner

Ladies and Gentlemen, post your Dos and Don'ts...

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