
Can you complete 'The Lord's Prayer?' quiz

Can you complete 'The Lord's Prayer?' - sporcle

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I'm preparing for this week's sermon about the Lord's Prayer. It got me thinking about how central the Lord's Prayer is to Christian worship, yet many contemporary followers of Jesus haven't been deeply trained to pray the way that Jesus prays.

How well do you know it? Have you memorized it? When did you first learn about the Lord's Prayer... as a child, an adult, just today?

How much of your prayer life is shaped by Jesus' prayer?


victoria said...

I think I've known The Lord's Prayer since I could form sentences! I can still recite it of course.

As for if it influences my own prayer, I guess it doesn't unless I consciously try to do it that way. Recently I've been going through a book for kids based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism and it goes into some detail about it and brought it to my mind. That's the bad thing about learning something when one's so young..... it tends to lose it's meaning.

Kali Chung said...

Hello Pastor Andrew,

Growing up in the Presbyterian church definitely gave me the opportunities to memorize the Lord's prayer as well as the Apostle's Creed by heart. But it's all just words unless it means something to you, & for me it does. Thanks always for putting your sermons out there. In times of spiritual famine I've been fed sufficiently by the Lord through your church & ministry.